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I started my career as a fashion designer with my own brand, selling my collections to the likes of ASOS and winning an award for Woman Of The Year in 2008. I knew I had a bigger calling and that calling involved following the footsteps of some of my family members into the field of working with helping the community. In 2009 I decided to retrain as a teacher, but still the yearning was there for helping people more.


After doing teaching for a year, I knew that I still hadn't found my calling, so I decided to retrain as a driving instructor. Being my own boss, running my own schedule and being out on the road was very liberating, but again, the yearning towards my calling was still unfulfilled.


I really had to dig deep and find out where my passion was and also that I needed to work on myself. I embarked on a counselling course and when I started, I knew this was a field I could flourish in. I worked my way through level 3,4,5 and even went on to do a Masters in Psychology. I finally knew that I belonged in the field of service to humanity.


I'm sharing this all with you so you know that most people aren't sure of the direction they're supposed to travel in all of the time. Sometimes we get a little lost along the way. Sometimes we just need a helping hand and a supportive person in our corner. I know I can help you become the person you've always dreamt you can be because I've been where you are. So lets do this together......



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